Tuesday, 15 March 2011

5.03. 2011

Today i have tried to experiment with different effects on photoshop to try and work out some good techniques to add an african influence to my work. I have used an image that i took when i was on holiday and tried out some of the effects.
This is the image that i have created as a starting point, i think it has turned out well. I used various layers and adjusted the colour settings to add a red/orange colour over the top, i think this would be a really good way to transform a normal landscape photo into one that looks like africa.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

my ideas

As i have already visited an island off the coast of africa, i have decided to bring in some photos that i already have and try to use layers and effects in photoshop to create an african influence in my photographs

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

8th February 2011

Today i have created my project proposal form, well a draft of my proposal form. This includes information about what i intend to create during the project, ideas on how i will create it, what research i will need to look at to come up with ideas and inspiration? I have also included information on how i think i can succeed in the project, and also to help other people.. i have tried to think about how long each individual task will take me, and tried to set myself rough targets, so that i can keep to a fluent pace, abd make sure that i am working to my full capacity.



I think that this image really brings out the feel of devotion and spirit within their culture, the colours and energy in the photograph give it a really happy and energetic feel. i think that this type of photography, focusing on their culture, the tribes and the rituals they undertake would be a really beautiful way to try and introduce people to their lifestyle. 
However as i am not actual visiting africa during this project it would be nearly impossible for me to find a way to explore this type of african culture. 

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


During the first two weeks we have discussed the project to understand what will be required of us. We have spoken as a group about what kinds of areas we could relate to the project, and talked through possible ideas for our photography. As we have a long period of time to work on this project, we have yet to decide on a focus for our photos. We obviously realized that we could not just visit africa, so we had to think a bit more outside of the box, the fashion students are creating textiles and clothes that are influenced by the african culture, it would be possible for us to photograph their work, or even look at food, or landscapes that are influenced by East africa.