Tuesday, 8 February 2011

8th February 2011

Today i have created my project proposal form, well a draft of my proposal form. This includes information about what i intend to create during the project, ideas on how i will create it, what research i will need to look at to come up with ideas and inspiration? I have also included information on how i think i can succeed in the project, and also to help other people.. i have tried to think about how long each individual task will take me, and tried to set myself rough targets, so that i can keep to a fluent pace, abd make sure that i am working to my full capacity.



I think that this image really brings out the feel of devotion and spirit within their culture, the colours and energy in the photograph give it a really happy and energetic feel. i think that this type of photography, focusing on their culture, the tribes and the rituals they undertake would be a really beautiful way to try and introduce people to their lifestyle. 
However as i am not actual visiting africa during this project it would be nearly impossible for me to find a way to explore this type of african culture.